
LiFESWELL Celebrates Year Anniversary

Friends, Music, Networking and Birthdays
Blu Monkey Bar - Los Angeles

On January 26, 2012, I helped LiFESWELL celebrate their first anniversary. Lifeswell is a monthly event in Los Angeles that features guest djs and performers. I want to give a special shout out to all the great people at LiFESWELL  x RickandRay Creative Management x Culture Clash Live Sound Injections .

You guys are too awesome and wonderful. I had such a good time meeting and networking with everyone!

We also celebrated Marvin DJ DUEL Suerto's Birthday!

Click the links to check out more photos from the evening. 



A True Lesson of Selflessness

You Never Know When Someone Needs You
Being a Mentor: Why It's Important

Everyone needs someone to talk to and look up to. I never thought I would always be the type to give advice and listen. As you know,  I am always on the GO, but indeed, God always stops me in my tracks & when He does, there's some kind of message. 

My neighbor, Tiffany is 14 years old with a 9 year old sister, and yesterday they came over to visit. Now mind you, I gave Tiffany my number because I had a bag filled with some of my favorite clothes to give her. 

I told her, 

"When I text you, come over & get them." 

It took me a couple of days to get the clothes together, but God kept reminding me. Daily it would creep up my to-do list. So on her own, she came over with her sister to "play with Caleb," my son.

As they played, Tiffany decided she would hang around in my room while I cleaned and put away the weekend laundry. At the moment, I wasn't dressed, and felt as though I didn't have any privacy. Then, God reminded me, 

"Remember the desires of your heart?" 

I didn't understand that for a second. Then it hit me. I am a mentor, just as much as I am anything else. Young girls like her are my passion. The only thing I didn't see at the time was how the whole situation was delivered to me. My selfish thoughts transitioned  into obedience at the drop of a dime. I began pulling out the clothes for her, talking to her about school and other things. This girl is the big sister to a 9 year old girl, and she has no one to talk to. From what I understand, they are living with their father and I never heard any stories or comments about a mother in the household. 

So at this point I'm thinking, "REALLY, Brittney? For Real?" I felt selfish. She is reaching out for a mentor, and I was chosen.

"Come outside with us Tiffany!", said her 9 year old sister. 

"No, I'm hanging out with Brittney!",  replied Tiffany. 

Though we weren't doing much of anything,  she simply wanted to be in the presence of someone she can admire and look up to. Slowly bringing up conversations and questions about make-up and we haven't even got into the details about boys yet, but I feel it coming. 

Moral of this story is, you never know when someone needs you. The transition that Tiffany is going through is one we've all experienced.  Now that I am on the other side, I mentally switch positions, I am the big sister to a 14 year old girl who isn't physically related to me but needs my time, conversation and so much more than I can imagine. But the only thing I can do is be ready. 

A true lesson of selflessness. 


BrittneyParker.com Takes on 2012

What to Expect:

  • Weekly articles and posts on BrittneyParker.com
  • Live streaming from events and photo shoots
  • USTREAM Live Show "Miss Parker Knows" every other Thursday at 5 p.m. PST
  • Exclusive interviews with some of your favorite YouTube Vloggers and music artist
  • Behind-the-scenes photographs from live shows, events, fashion shows and photo shoots
  • New photographers and themed photo shoots
  • New advice, AMBW topics, short stories, videos, and more choreographed dance videos
  • More Caleb! 
  • Use hashtags #MissParkerKnows #ItIsWhatItIs #MPE (Miss Parker Exclusive)


The Beautiful Struggle

MissParkerTV Presents: The Beautiful Struggle. The life of Brittney Parker, a personal journey through her life as a single mother, a dreamer & a believer. How does she follow her dreams with a 3 year old on her hip? More coming very soon...



PSA: Subscribe to MissParkerTV's YouTube

To help bridge the gap between my first Youtube channel, TheeQueenBeee, and my newest addition - I have created a PSA for my 250+ subscribers on TheeQueenBeee. I am really excited to get the brand moving, and want to take all of you all with me for the ride! I am going to be uploading some of the videos from the previous channel to MissParkerTV, so you won't miss out on you favorites. Yes, there will be more AMBW videos! 

I appreciate all of the previous subscribers for subscribing  to the MissParkerTV YouTube channel - 20+ in a day! God is wonderful. Thanks again everyone and enjoy the video, and of course, Caleb.



#MissParkerKnows USTREAM Show


So, I've been working so hard to bring MissParkerTV to your screen in every way imaginable. This year I will be hosting a Live Show and Discussion called, Miss Parker Knows, right here on my web site. You can visit the USTREAM tab above and watch the show live every single Thursday at 5 p.m. PST.

"The show,"Miss Parker Knows", will discuss everything from relationships to education to fashion and beyond. There is no topic too broad or overlooked. Let's get personal!...but not too personal. Keep it refined and let's share knowledge and life experiences." - MissParkerTV

Live Stream

Link: MissParkerTV USTREAM Channel

Use hashtag #MissParkerKnows during Live Stream and to show support of the show.

Check here every THURSDAY at 5pm PST.
