Yesterday, I accomplished something only an independent women would urge themselves to do. Honestly, I am not women of extreme HARD labor type gal. But sometimes we do what we gotta do, right? Well, story was I needed to put a desk up because I know that if it stayed in the box behind my door, it would stay there FOREVER. So after asking a few men to do the task, I said "forget it!" I opened the box, and looked at all the pieces. . . I took a deep breath and got ready to tackle this three tier desk that I just had to have. Being said, my uncle walked in and told me he would help me later because he had greater things to do,of course, like sit in the garage and stare and. . .NOTHING. So me being miss ambitious, I told him I would do myself [with slight feisty-ness]. I started it, it was easy at first. Then, of course the confusion came. . Well, I asked God to give me the strength and finally, I got the hang of it. My mom walked into my room with total amazement, she couldn't believe I put this desk up. The only words I had for her was, "There's nothing a women can't do" Amazingly enough that was total encouragement for her.
Now, I am totally inspired to talk about the independence of women. Well, because there are a LOT of them out there, including myself. What do you consider independent? How does it make you feel more of a woman? What did you have to go through to become independent? These questions came to me simply by observation and experiences. First, my mom raised me until she met my step-dad before then, she showed me that being a women of "your own" was quite alright. Of course, I craved nothing more but to be just like her. I guess there is nothing more satisfying than being able to do ALL on your own -- even a man's job. The self doubt that is instilled within us, along with doubt from other people usually drives the desire of independence. Now, for the men, what makes an independent woman attractive? Better yet, when has it gone too far for you? Especially if you are dating a women of such? Go ahead, don't be shy!